Cyberall Group distributor of electrical material in Brazil
Cyberall Group, distributor of Electrical Distribution, Industrial Control and Automation Equipment from world leading manufacturers such as Schneider Electric, Eaton Electrical, Siemens, ABB, Rockwell Automation among others for the Brazil and more countries.
We are not only distributors in Brazil, we also supply all over the world. In Brazil where we send the most is to:
San Paolo, Rio de Janeiro, Salvador, Florencia, Belo Horizonte, Brasilia, Curtiba, Recife, Manaus.
Send to
Door-to-door shipping by UPS to any city in Brazil at the best prices.
- 5 Kgs -> 115 Euros
- 10 Kgs -> 175 Euros
- 15 Kgs -> 225 Euros
- 20 Kgs -> 280 Euros
- 30 Kgs -> 365 Euros
- 40 Kgs -> 430 Euros
- 50 Kgs -> 485 Euros
- 60 Kgs -> 545 Euros
- 70 Kgs -> 595 Euros
Schneider Electric stock material available for delivery in 4-5 days to your warehouses/Office in the Brazil.
Payment Methods
You can pay by credit card through Paypal for orders below 1.000 Euros
By wire transfer to our account in Spain
Requested brands
Principales Usuarios Finales
Petrobras, Vale, Itaúsa, Cemig, Acesita, AmBev, Brasil Foods, Brasil Telecom, Braskem, CESP, Copel, Cosan, CPFL, Companhia Siderúrgica Nacional, Duratex, Eletrobrás, Eletropaulo, Embraer, Fibria, Gerdau, Grupo Pão de Açúcar, JBS, Petróleo Ipiranga, Suzano Papel e Celulose

Cyberall Group se encarga distribuir a todo el mundo, en el caso de España donde mas enviamos es a: